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Would you like to get a full demo of our data or do you have any questions? Just get in touch!

Frequently asked questions

Is a one-off data purchase possible or do I have to commit to a subscription?

Yes, this is possible. We do offer a data subscription for customers who want to receive regular updates, but this is not mandatory. If you for example just need data for a one-off analysis, you can make a single purchase.

Can I use the data in my customer facing application?

Yes, we design our products specifically for creators of data-driven solutions and analyses. Th you ca integrate our data in your software solutions. Also reselling our data is possible.

I don't know exactly how to define the scope of the data we need. Can you help me with this?

Yes, we are happy to support you with scoping and requirements engineering. Just get in touch and we will find out together how we can support you with your project.

Do you offer some kind of analytics application where I can work with your data?

No, we currently don't offer an application to analyze the data. Our focus lies exclusively on creating detailed, high-quality datasets to support you with creating your own solutions and analyses.